Costs of mediation

For mediation, training, workshops, we charge £400-£600 for a day’s work and £250-£350 for half a day’s work. For any work completed on an hourly basis we charge £70-£90 per hour.

A mediation will usually involve a pre-mediation discussion of up to 2 hours in length with each party involved. This is followed by a joint meeting which typically runs for half or a whole day.

Reasonable pre and post mediation administration is included in this cost. From time-to-time a particular case may require additional meetings and administration. Where this is necessary cost will be discussed and agreed with the customer in advance. go-dialogue aims to be transparent and fair in its pricing and flexible charging is available with regards to specific circumstances and situations.

Where the work requires significant travel and/or accommodation outside of Greater London there may be a charge for this.

In exceptional circumstances, for example mediations with a larger number of participants, a co-mediator may be required and costs therefore higher. However, all costs will be discussed with the referrer/parties prior to the mediation.

If you’re wondering whether mediation or facilitated early dispute resolution is the right option for you, please contact us for an informal and completely confidential telephone discussion about your particular situation.
Please contact us to discuss your dispute