go-dialogue currently offers the following conflict related training, workshops, and groups:

Managing Conflict Workshops

A set of four innovative workshops available to be commissioned by private sector, public sector, and other organisations. These workshops help employees or other community members/beneficiaries develop their capacity for constructive communication and build skills for managing and transforming conflict. Each workshop is 2-3 hours in length and caters for up to 20 participants. These workshops are a collaboration between go-dialogue and Peacewell (www.peacewell.org.uk). Find out more about the workshops here, and contact us here to discuss your requirements.

Managing Conflict Support Group

Often, when facing conflict, we can feel alone. Perhaps we feel we should be managing better, or we’re concerned about pushing friends and family away if we talk about it again. This monthly support group offers you the space to talk about the conflict you are facing and to receive both peer support and resources and skills for dealing with the challenges you are facing. The group is facilitated by Nick who brings a warm, creative and empathic approach to helping you with the conflict(s) you are facing, drawing on his own experiences of conflict as well as his professional work as a mediator and a psychotherapist. In the group, careful attention is paid to confidentiality and building a safe and supported space.